Quick tricks for blasting in cold weather.
If you have colder temps headed your way, here are some tips from fellow Dustless Blasters about blasting in below freezing temperatures.
- At 32°F add rubbing alcohol to the water tank at roughly a 1:100 gallon ratio. The colder it is, the more alcohol you will need to add, up to 1:20 ratio.
- Create a tent around the pot, pump and moisture separator, perhaps by throwing a tarp over them. You can partially tent over the air compressor too, but be careful not to block the exhaust vents. The ambient heat from running the compressor will keep everything warm.
- If you can, move inside.
- When finished blasting, be certain to empty tank and blow out hoses to keep them from freezing up.
- Of course, with the Dustless Blasting pots you also have the option to blast dry. Learn about switching your pot from wet to dry here.
- Keep yourself warm with the climate-controlled Nova 3® comfort system. It provides air that is about +/- 20°F from ambient.
Need tips on storing your machine overnight in freezing weather, or for the winter season? Click here

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